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  Ely's Coming !     

White Pine Racing Actually Ely may have already come and gone! Lasting only two days they run one of the shortest meets in the country, but they do run one.

Racing kicked off back in 1934 and local business men have struggled to keep racing going in Ely. The original group kept it going till 1950, when the meet was rained out, creating a financial setback. From then the "Pony Express Committee" took over till 1954. The next year The Ely Elks took over running the track for the 40 years,

After the 1993 meet the Elk's could not shoulder the burden anymore and the torch was passed to the local Agricultural District which lasted until 2000 when they too gave it up.

The track would remain dormant for the next five years when the Elk's Club once more stepped up and took control of racing. The 2006 meet proved a big success, but once again the track ran out of gas in 2010. Not wanting to let racing die a community group named the White Pine Horse Race Committee took over management of the track and continues to run the short meet.  Racing With TRS   Which features many of the fair meets out west provides information about White Pines, to anyone interested.