
The tour is over, yes it was a hypothetical exercise, but did it prove anything? The trip took eighty eight days and spanned thirteen weeks. The total miles traveled was 24,420 at an estimated cost of $26,075. It is highly unlikely that one person could have kept up with the daily routine, a second or third person would help, but that's a lot of time and money to look through a chain link fence or stand outside somebody's house and say " I'm standing where the grandstand use to be". Another problem, the number of live tracks visited.

The trip stopped at 223 track with only live racing at 33, only about a 14% hit rate. Starting at a different location and time of year would change that number, but about one quarter of the active tracks in the country race less than 10 days a year and many others run a circuit with only one open at a time. Of course some people might only be interested in a particular breed, if you only wanted harness racing you would rarely cross the Mississippi River. I did add some dog tracks, especially in Florida, which had no live racing during the timeline.

I don't think this will inspire anyone to try this, least of all myself, it was pretty tiring just doing it on paper, but if you have some spare time and money, let me know how it works out. When I recover from this I might just take a stab at what it would take to visit the rest of the tracks still open.        
